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A web-based CT dose calculator


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When "Japanese" is included in the language setting of the browser used, the WAZA-ARI system will display Japanese.
To change the display language of the WAZA-ARI system to English, please delete "Japanese" in the language setting of the browser used.


WAZA-ARIv2 User ID registration
Dose calculation and registration of the result
Verification of your data

1. WAZA-ARIv2 User ID registration

1-1. Input your information to the registration form.
Users require the registration in WAZA-ARI system.
Enter ID registration window from Login window.
Input your information to all required fields.

1-2. Click "Confirm" button.

1-3. Confirm the information entered in the form.
Confirm the information entered in the form and check the agreement.
Click "Register" button.

1-4. Complete your user registration.
The following E-mail will be send to your entered E-mail address.
Your "User ID" and "Initial password" will be described in this E-mail.
Your password can be changed after log in WAZA-ARI system.

2. Login

2-1. Log in WAZA-ARIv2 system
Enter your user ID and password and click "Login" button.

2-2. Click "Calculation of the X-ray CT exposures" in menu.
You can move to several function windows through this menu window.

3. Dose calculation and registration of the result

3-1. Input calculation condition of a CT exposure.
Input calculation condition of a CT exposure into ‡@ area.

 Manufacturer GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Hitachi (Philips not-yet)
 Scanner model CT scanner model name
 Filter Bow-tie filter size(or name) depend on FOV size 
Tube potential  Tube potential [kV]
 Rotation time Rotation time of X-ray tube [s] 
 Pitch factor Helical scan: table feed per rotation / beam width
Axial scan: = 1
 Beam width Total beam width (number of slice x collimation width)
 Gender male or female
 Phantom Standard: adult standard body type (Japanese)
Fat(+2SD), Fat(+5SD): adult fat body type (Japanese)
Thin(-2SD): adult thin body type (Japanese)
age:0`15: child 0`15 age
 Scan type Body type examined and procedure
 Scan range Scan range
Drag square icons or input the numerical value of scan range.
 AEC (Option) When checking "On", the exposure dose in a CT scan using AEC(Auto Exposure Control) function can be calculated.
Tube current values at each position are required.
 Tube Current Tube Current [mA]
 Optional Phantom
(not yetj
 Body type correction function (not yet)
 CTDI Phantom Size Phantom size to calculate dose index

Click "Calculate Dose" button after setting parameters.
Dose calculation start.

3-2. Check the result
Calculation result is shown in ‡A area.
ED103: Effective dose calculated in accordance with ICRP Publication 103
ED60: Effective dose calculated in accordance with ICRP Publication 60

3-3. Register the result

Click "Register" button, then confirmation window is shown.
If there is no problems, click "Register" button to register the result.

4. Verification of your data

4-1. Verify your registered data
In menu window, click "History of your calculations" button.
Your registered data is shown in this window.
Data deletion can be done in this window.

4-2. Verify dose distribution
In menu window, click "Dose distributions" button.
Statistical dose distribution of your data (and all data) registerd in WAZA-ARIv2 system can be shown in this function.


WAZA-ARI Development Group

Privacy PolicyWAZA-ARI v2

Privacy Policy

User ManualWAZA-ARI v2

WAZA-ARI v2 UserManual
Appendix: Parameters